We are your non-profit community center.

A warm, welcoming, accessible place for people of all ages, abilities, and identities in Portland, Oregon


to learn, play, gather, and connect.


to learn, play, gather, and connect.

Summer Camp Registration Now Open!

Summer Camp Registration Now Open!

New Programs and Events

Littles Program

Classes, programs, and events for infants through age 5 and their grownups

Tween / Teen

Learn about our programs for Tweens/Teens


Classes and playgroups for ages 3-5 years


Registration for our 2025 Summer Camps opens in March.

Adult / Senior

After School

2024–2025 school year registration is now open

Community Events

Enriching community events
for all ages


Upcoming Events

What Our Community Members Are Saying

  • Each family that comes to us has their own story, but the resounding feedback is a relief and surprise for finding a sort of extended family through our group. It excites me to know that now the children can start to recognize the Sellwood Community House as a place for them and our community

    —Theola (Cantonese Play + Learn)

  • The lobby is a cozy living room for our neighborhood, the heart of the community. I love to cozy up, chat with a friend after class or sit and watch all the hustle and bustle of this thriving community treasure


  • When you are new to a community you want to feel a sense of belonging. When you are new to Portland come to SCH you will be welcomed


  • The diverse experiences my son gained by working with children of different age groups contributed significantly to his personal and inerpersonal development. The program not only provided a platform for learning but also fostered leadership skills, a sense of responsibility and teamwork!

    —Tracy Hendriks

  • My family went on the lantern walk last night and it was magical. The inspiring and caring messages at each stop, the excitement of each actor, the thought and care that you all put into putting it on really shown through. Things like this are why we love Portland

    —April Hasson

  • The first few months of motherhood were messy and the nurturing circle was the nest to which I always returned. I felt seen, heard, understood and loved. I felt safe. I am grateful for Brita’s warm guidance
